Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to Ahnafland

Hey there, you've stumbled upon the land of Ahnaf. I'm Ahnaf by the way.

If for some reason you don't know about me already, I'm a college student double-majoring in computer science and biomedical sciences. Outside of school I'm a game developer, currently working on building the next great mmorpg. I enjoy video games (especially the ones about a certain green-clad hero with elf ears and an awesome phrygian cap), anime, reading, racquetball, and fish sticks.

This will be where I publish my soon-to-come artistic masterpieces in computer animation. No really, I have some serious talent. Just check out this amazing OC:

Despite that, I know that there is always much to learn, and to sharpen my animation skills I have decided to enroll in a computer animation course (with an awesome professor, she's super cool because she's gonna give me an A :) ). In taking this course I hope to learn new techniques in digital animation that I can particularly apply to my work as a game developer.

If you're looking forward to what I have in store, stick around in Ahnafland for a little longer and feel free to explore. But remember, it's dangerous to go alone.